The Best Dogs Ever story begins in a restaurant...
...but that's a story for another time!
The Best Dogs Ever story begins in a restaurant...
...but that's a story for another time!
Alright, alright, you caught us. We play a lot of Pokemon GO. To be honest, it's probably the main thing we do. It's all we think about, and the only thing that matters to us. So yeah, we definitely jumped at the chance to dress up as our favorite Pokemon, Togepi.
That said, it's mostly just a coincidence. Plus most of the outfit is banana themed. So make of that what you will.
"I got rid of all my other clothes"
Sam Mills
"I'd shower, but then I'd have to take off this outfit!"
Nick Navarro
"What? What do you mean testimonial?"
Cassandra English
"Alright, Chiquita. Get up here, Banana!"
"BB-8? What a shithead!"
Universal Chris